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NOTE: We have added in the descriptions of parts we have of different markings we have come across over the years. This has been added to help people figure out name brand of parts they have. We may not have a specific marked part but will do our best. .
M1 Carbine New Springfield Armory stocks
M1 Carbine NEW SA Stock

M1 Carbine NEW SA Stock
100 M1/M2 Carbine NEW SA stock & hand guard. Upper picture was taken without sun light and bottom picture was taken in sun light. NOTE: We have more stocks listed on page 3 of our parts pages. We are running low on these.

We just came across these barrels. -Limited Quantities-
# M1 Carbine Inland barrels

101 Inland- (Limited quantities) Only a few 43 & 44 dated left. 42 dated barrel is 699.00 if we have them in stock
$599.00 ea.
102 Saginaw- (Limited quantities)
103 Rock-ola- (Limited quantities)
104 Underwood- (Limited quantities)
105 Winchester- (Limited quantities) unissued condition
$599.00 ea
190 IBM- (Limited quantities)
# M1 Carbine  barrel

177 M1 Carbine barrel. New in wrap Springfield Armory includes front sight and type 3 band. only 1 avalible.
# M1 Carbine NOS GI piston

109 M1 Carbine piston
$12.00 ea
M1 Carbine NOS GI nut

119 M1 Carbine piston nut type 2 new
$24.00 ea


We found a small amount of Inland, Winchester, Underwood, Saginaw, Quality HMC, NPM and IBM WW2 receivers call (209)869-5576 for availability.
These will go fast.
#191-a M1 Carbine GI stock metal.
191-a M1 Carbine unissued GI stock metal.
#191-b M1 Carbine NOS GI stock

#191-b M1 Carbine NOS GI stock
191-b M1 Carbine unissued GI NOS stock made by Overton and comes with a 4 rivet hand guard. These have been in storage for years and are a rare find. These will work on M1's & M2's. NOTE: It's next to impossible to find good condition GI stock sets and these are new unissued! We have more stocks listed on page 3 of our parts pages..

Call (209) 869-5576 with all of your carbine needs.
M1 Carbine 30rd magazine new in wrap

M1 Carbine 30rd mag new in wrap
106 M1 CARBINE 30 rd magazine new in wrap. M1 Carbine 30 round magzines new in wrap. NOS Best selling item with many repete buyers and very limited supply get them while you can. We have more magazines listed on page 6.
M1 Carbine

M1 Carbine

110B M1 Carbine Underwood Singer B code receiver (HARD TO FIND). Don't miss out! FFL required. No pits no disapointments.
M1 Carbine
M1 Carbine

107 M1 Carbine Quality HMC receiver with some pitts comes with Rock-ola barrel guages 0 in nice condition. FFL required
M1 Carbine
M1 Carbine
108 M1 Carbine Winchester receiver.Has pitts .FFL required

M1 Carbine.
Only 1!
M1 Carbine
M1 Carbine
110A M1 Carbine Inland 6 digit receiver NICE. FFL required .
M1 Carbine book for beginners and collectors

110C -ONLY 1 LEFT-NO MORE ARE BEING MADE.This book is the best book on the M1 Carbine for beginners & Collectors 3rd edition. This one gives you color photo details. Don't confuse this book with others, This one is correct! This is the Bible on the M1 Carbine. Has 825 pages over 4000 color images. Large unparalleled M1A1 section with full Illustrations and details on all of it's variants. None better ever written. 3rd edition now avalible..

120 Safeties- checkered, Type 1
$60.00 ea.
195 Safeties- unmarked, Type 2
$35.00 ea.
121 Safeties- Type 3 plain
$20.00 ea
180 Safeties- Winchester Code"EW"(Limited quantities)
$49.95 ea
181 Safeties- Saginaw S'G' Coded S'G'or E-S'G'(Limited quantities)
$75.00 ea
182 Safeties- Irwin Pedersen Coded IP-A or IP-W(Limited quantities)
$89.95 ea
183 Safeties- IBM Coded EPB or WB(Limited quantities)
$49.95 ea
193 Safeties- NPM Coded IN or SN(Limited quantities)
$35.00 ea
194 Safeties- Standard Products Coded SW(Limited quantities)
$35.00 ea

Rear sight current production
125 M1 Carbine flip safety
We got these from an old timer that owned a gun shop back in the 60's. Quantities are very limited order now!
M1 Carbine Flip Sights
110 Flip Sight- Inland, Most are coded S on the small side of the base and these are also used on Saginaw SG. Some are with a san seriff s-these have a funny edge top and bottom. Some are S~ or WSI. The other side of the base is unmarked. Most flips are unmarked, Some flips are marked WI on the back side.
SALE $150.00 ea
111 Flip Sight- Winchester Coded with a square S on the small side of base. The other side will be unmarked. The flip is unmarked.
$179.00 ea
112 Flip Sight- Quality HMC Coded S on small side and will be coded GE-Q or BQ on other side of base. Flip is unmarked.
$179.00 ea
113 Flip Sight- Rockola Coded S on small side and will be coded A-R, RR or BR on other side of base. Flip is A-R, BR, RR or unmarked.
$179.00 ea
114 Flip Sight- Saginaw S'G' Coded S on small side and will be coded B-S'G' , W-S'G' or RG-S'G' on the other side of base. Flip is B-S'G', W-S'G' or RG-S'G' or unmarked .
$179.00 ea
115 Flip Sight- IP Coded S on the small side and will be coded BI-P, IP-B or RP on other side of base. Flip B-IP, RP or uncoded.
$225.00 ea
116 Flip Sight- IBM Coded S on small side and will be coded FO B, WB or IN-B on the other side of base. Flip is unmarked.
$179.00 ea
117 Flip Sight- NPM Coded S on small side and will be coded N-A, TN, PB or RN on the other side of base. Flip is RN, TN or unmarked.
$179.00 ea
118 Flip Sight- Underwood Coded with a S or square S on the small side of the base, The other side was unmarked. The flip was coded with a upside down .U.

M1 carbine milled rear sight type 2.
122 Rear sight-GI type 2 milled
M1 carbine Stamped rear sight type 3.
123 Rear sight GI type 3 stamped
$95.00 ea
#191-a M1 Carbine GI front sight out of sealed pack.
127 Front Sight- new GI, unmarked
$32.50 ea
M1 carbine Inland N front sight.
128 Front Sight- INLAND marked N
M1 Carbine Rock-ola front sight R.
129 Front Sight- ROCK-OLA marked R
$135.00 ea
M1 Carbine Rock-ola front sight T R.
129A Front Sight- ROCK-OLA marked TR
M1 Carbine Rock-ola front sight R P.
129B Front Sight- ROCK-OLA marked RP
$165.00 ea
M1 Carbine Saginaw
178 Front Sight- SAGINAW
M1 Carbine Winchester front sight
179 Front Sight- WINCHESTER, Some have a thumb nail imprint behind the blade and some do not.
M1 Carbine Winchester L code front sight
179A Front Sight- WINCHESTER, L marked on the side.
M1 Carbine SaginawS'G' front sight
179B Front Sight- Saginaw S'G'
M1 Carbine IP front sight
179C Front Sight- Irwin Pedersen
M1 Carbine Underwood  front sight
179D Front Sight- Underwood type 1 or 2 are avalible .
$125.00 ea
M1 Carbine Quality HMC front sight
179E Front Sight- Quality HMC. Milled JQ or QJ.
M1 Carbine NPM front sight
179F M1 Carbine NPM front sight - marked NN or SN.
M1 Carbine Quality HMC front sight
179G M1 Carbine Standard Products front sight - marked SN.
186 M1 Carbine front sight key and pin
$8.75 set

M1 CARBINE HAMMERS = Note:Hammer finish will NOT be the same on all hammers. GI hammers came in the white (unfinished) or they were blue or even parkerized. Some GI hammers came in the wrap with cosmoline and some were dry packed in NO cosmoline. I've even taken Inland hammers out of sealed Inland wrappers and have found wear marks....Please understand when you buy books on parts they don't always give the correct information. (The hammers pictured below are how we got them)I hope this helps. If you have any questions please call.
NOS hammer in wrap
130 M1 Carbine Hammer in wrap- New old stock.
$35.00 ea
#134 M1 Carbine Hammer Rock-ola
131 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 ROCK-OLA, Coded KR,KR2,KR in a diamond,BR in a circle or square or RLTQ
$45.00 ea
#132A M1 Carbine Hammer type 3 Winchester new in wrap
132A M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 WINCHESTER- Coded W
$45.00 ea
132B M1/M2 Carbine Hammer- type 4 WINCHESTER Coded W
133 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 INLAND Coded HI,NI,WI or I-I
$45.00 ea
#134 M1 Carbine Hammer type 3 Inland  -new in wrap
134 M1/M2 Carbine Hammer- type 4 Inland
135 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 UNDERWOOD Coded .U. or WU
$45.00 ea
136 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 QUALITY HMC Coded LT-Q, DQ, or QHTE
$45.00 ea
171 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 NATIONAL POSTAL METER Coded HN or IN
$45.00 ea
#172 M1 Carbine Hammer type 3 Saginaw S'G'
172 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 SAGINAW S'G' Coded S'G'
$65.00 ea
173 M1 Carbine Hammer- type 3 STANDARD PRODUCTS Coded SW or SS
$45.00 ea
176A M1 Carbine Hammer- IBM Coded GMB, AM B or WMB
$45.00 ea
176K M1 Carbine Hammer- Saginaw Coded SG or Z
$45.00 ea
#137 M1 Carbine Hammer spring
137 Hammer- spring
$5.00 ea
#134 M1 Carbine Hammer spring guide
138 Hammer- spring guide
$8.00 ea
176B M1 Carbine Hammer- Inland Dogleg Coded HI, GI, (H in a sheild with bomb -early/These are 225.00)or NI
$175.00 ea
#176c M1 Carbine Hammer winchester dogleg
176C M1 Carbine Hammer- Winchester Dogleg Coded W
$175.00 ea
176D M1 Carbine Hammer- Underwood Dogleg Coded .U. or H
$175.00 ea
#176h M1 Carbine Rock-ola dogleg. The one on the left is called a fatboy
176E M1 Carbine Hammer- Rock-ola Dogleg Coded KR. The one on the left is a "Fatboy"
$175.00 ea
176F M1 Carbine Hammer- Quality HMC Dogleg Coded LT-Q
$175.00 ea
#176h M1 Carbine S'G' dogleg
176G M1 Carbine Hammer- Saginaw S'G'Dogleg Coded S'G'. The one on the left is called a "Fatboy"
$179.00 ea
#176h M1 Carbine IP dogleg
176H M1 Carbine Hammer- IP Dogleg Coded IP
$250.00 ea
176I M1 Carbine Hammer- NPM Dogleg Coded HN, HI or H in a shield
$175.00 ea
176J M1 Carbine Hammer- Standard Products Dogleg Coded SW
$175.00 ea
#176L M1 Carbine early 22 coil hammer spring
176L M1 Carbine early 22 coil hammer spring
$12.00 ea
#176M M1 Carbine hammer pin
176M M1 Carbine hammer pin
$4.00 ea

#137 M1 Carbine Inland flat bolt
139 M1 Carbine Inland flat bolt stripped, Coded IO-some w/#, A.I. or DI
$215.00 ea
#137 M1 Carbine Inland round bolt
140 M1 Carbine INLAND, round bolt- stripped, Coded A.I or IO
$215.00 ea
141 M1 Carbine WINCHESTER, flat bolt- stripped Coded W
$215.00 ea
126 M1 Carbine WINCHESTER, round bolt- stripped Coded W
$215.00 ea
142 M1 Carbine SAGINAW S'G', flat bolt- stripped Coded S'G' or -S'G' (limited supply)
124 M1 Carbine IP flat bolt stripped Coded IP
143 M1 Carbine ROCK-OLA, flat bolt- stripped Coded Rock-ola on Left or Right lug.(limited supply)
144 M1 Carbine ROCK-OLA, round bolt- stripped Coded Rock-ola on left lug.(limited supply)
$215.00 ea
145 M1 Carbine SAGINAW, flat bolt- stripped Coded SG
$215.00 ea
146 M1 Carbine QUALITY HMC, flat bolt- stripped Coded EM-Q or UN-Q
$215.00 ea.
147 M1 Carbine STANDARD PRODUCTS, flat bolt- stripped Coded S with a number
$215.00 ea.
148 M1 Carbine NATIONAL POSTAL METER, flat bolt- stripped Coded N with a number on left lug or UN on the right lug.
$215.00 ea
149 M1 Carbine UNDERWOOD, flat bolt- stripped Coded .U., CU, SU, or WU
$215.00 ea
150 M1 Carbine UNDERWOOD, round bolt- stripped Coded .U. or WU
$215.00 ea
151 M1 Carbine IBM, round bolt- stripped Coded SB, or AOB
$215.00 ea
185 M1 Carbine IBM, flat bolt- stripped Coded AOB
$215.00 ea
#152 M1 Carbine new in wrap bolt
152 M1 Carbine UNDERWOOD, round bolt- complete new in sealed wrap. Picture is to show how they came to us and price is per bolt in sealed wrap. We are getting low and The're are going fast!
$375.00 ea
#153 M1 Carbine Bolt Kit
153 M1 Carbine Bolt Kit (Everything needed to complete or replace worn parts in your bolt)
$75.00 ea

165a M1 Carbine Extractor, GI new .U.
$45.00 ea
165b M1 Carbine Extractor, GI Winchester Coded W
$45.00 ea
165c M1 Carbine Extractor, GI Rock-ola Coded R
$65.00 ea
165d M1 Carbine Extractor, GI Saginaw S'G' Coded S'G'
$75.00 ea
165e M1 Carbine Extractor, GI Irwin Pedersen Coded IP-W
$95.00 ea
165f M1 Carbine Extractor, GI Saginaw Coded SG
$45.00 ea
166 M1 Carbine ejector & spring
$8.00 ea
184 M1 Carbine early ejector & spring with angle tip
$19.99 ea
167 M1 Carbine plunger & spring
$10.00 ea

#154 ORIGINAL Unissued WWII Butt Plates- New in wrap
154 M1 Carbine Saginaw butt plate- unissued
$45.00 ea
#158 ORIGINAL Unissued WWII Butt Plates- New in wrap
158 M1 Carbine Rock-ola butt plate- unissued
SALE $25.00 ea
#174 Inland  Butt Plate-early
174 M1 Carbine Inland butt plate-early. unissued
SALE $25.00ea.
#187 M1 Carbine Irwin Pedersen butt plate
187 M1 Carbine Irwin Pedersen butt plate unissued
$65.00 ea
#188 M1 Carbine Saginaw S'G' buttplate
188 M1 Carbine Saginaw S'G' buttplate unissued
$65.00 ea
#175 M1 Carbine Butt Plates- used G.I.</
175 M1 Carbine butt plates- used good condition
#155 M1 Carbine Butt Plates
155 M1 Carbine butt plate unissued
#156 M1 Carbine Extended buttplate (rubber)
156 M1 Carbine Late Inland butt plate. unissued
SALE 25.00ea.
157 Butt Plate screw
$3.00 ea

159 ROCK-OLA firing pin coded Rock-ola
$89.00 ea
160 WINCHESTER firing pin coded W
$65.00 ea
161 SAGINAW S'G' firing pin coded S'G'
$95.00 ea
162 QUALITY HMC firing pin coded Q-NL, NL-Q, N-Q, BQ
163 IBM firing pin coded BE-B, WB, SVB
$45.00 ea
164 INLAND firing pin RI, I-I, NI or EI in a circle.
$45.00 ea
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(209) 869-5576